Sunday, 10 October 2021

Cause and effect .


Had this theory about the front garden .

 It went "the front garden has gone a bit wild this year given the extreme heat and mucho rain . So better to let the lot go over , die down and thus be easily got ready for winter and then the snowdrops etc ,"

( Snowdrops start the cavalcade of the years returning treats : snowdrops , crocuses , scillas , daffodils , tulips and so on and on ...... ) 

Did you see what I did there ?   Gloss over the fact that I have spent most of my time post lockdown by ocean , by estuary ,  beside myself with glee . 

Anyway chicken in oven , saxophonist on pruning , me to do the rest .

Theory rubbish , work exhausting and time consuming only compensated by fantasy of having a gun full of liquid manure and Monty Don in my sights . 

The holly was the worst .

Back indoors new Nigel Slater lemon chicken recipe on table .Extra fat lemons to squeeze atop the juicy joys .

Facts : holly pricks your hands and forearms .An enthusiast with a fat lemon will find this out as the lemon juice hits the holly leaf punctures on her forearms . This causes an effect and quite a dramatic one at that .

Observation : Perhaps reassess gardening schedule for next year .


  1. Time at the seaside is always first choice. All in good time, the garden can be reined in. Lemon chicken sounds delicious.

  2. I think you have invented a new, festive form of torture.

  3. I vote for time at the seashore. Of course depending on if you have actual winter, the front garden might now be a problem. Here, I'd have a 10' jungle come next spring!
