Sunday 21 January 2018

Earth , Wind and Fire .

It has snowed and it has laid . The icy rain is not moving it very much at the moment . Someone has been out and built a small snowman . The thing stands conical and pristine on a small patch of grass  . I am trying to think of spring and there it stands mocking me . A jolly snowman . It was all I could do not to go over and kick the little bastard over .

I've looked at the BBC weather site . It's going to get a lot warmer and we will have actual sunshine on Friday . Oh hurrah , hurrah , hurrah . I'm off the wall with Michael Jackson , I'm hearing it through the grape vine with Marvin Gaye , Kool and the Gang have turned up and brought Earth , Wind and Fire with them . Kid Creole and the Coconuts are warming up .......I imagine you get the picture . In short , I am in celebratory mood .

So we are putting a down payment on summer . Trusting that those lyrical lovely days will come again , that the seductive landscape may sweep us into it's arms again . Now . obviously , I can't put my sandals on and bare legged begin my stroll through summer . But I can, as they say , make a down payment . A deposit . Stake my claim as it were .

So duffel coats , stout boots , woolly hats , thick socks .

We eat hot salty chips and drink fizzy pop . We watch the ferry , looking like a show boat from the American south , blazing with lights as it comes in . There are tiny pinpricks of coloured light all along the far shores . Enclaves of warm cosiness dotted in the darkness.

I climb out of the car hair blowing like a Medusa . It feels as if the wind could easily slice the features off my face like a knife cutting through a lemon . I peer down the cliff , through the stinging rain to the beach . Far out a line of white foam froths and bubbles . The tide is out . But we know , don't we , that as the tide will turn and come gushing in , the year is beginning to turn too .
A gleeful thought if ever there was one .


  1. January nearly always misfires for me. But, out walking today, the air was full of birdsong, blossom has been conned into showing itself. I'm just waiting for that unmistakable misfire.

    1. Don't say that - it's too dark now to find that snowman !

  2. I have always embraced winter. Flakes falling, the art of snowdrifts, watching your breath, being so cold the snow squeaks...but, of course, that includes having a warm home for your glasses fog up while you stomp the snow off your boots. ;)

    1. Embracing it - that conjures up lots of images.

  3. I’d love a couple more big snowfalls before spring...

    1. I'm curious . How would that change city dwelling where you are ? Is that just an excuse for hot chocolate ........
