Sunday 28 January 2018

It's rough at the coast today .

We have just got back from the coast . It was rough and it was dark . The sea was liquid jet as it rushed up the harbour walls .

It winked it's inky eye at me as it played hand ball with a small fishing boat in the harbour . Slapping it this way, slapping it that way.

The wind flew round and through the metal struts of the old pier .

Slowly , then , a very small container ship came along . It sat low in the water with a single line of lights along its side and a bundle of them at the back .
In the dark it looked like a viking long boat being rowed in and the mournful sound from the pier sounded like the men singing to keep the rhythm of the rowing .


  1. A doleful picture...painted well with words. ;)

  2. Which bit of the coast, I idly wonder? LX

  3. Your coast is a poetic place. You’ve evoked it so completely in a few lines.
