Wednesday 31 January 2018

Dormouse is as dormouse does .

Humankind is divided into larks and owls .

The lark is perceived , in many quarters , to be the better/more worthy person . Some of this comes from the Victorian " early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy ,  wealthy and wise ". Coupled with the Victorian factory owner who wants his factory on full production at maximum profit and minimal cost .
 Some of it also comes from people who make a virtue of what they want to do anyway or as a way of feeling superior/more disciplined than their neighbour (having , I'm guessing , little else to distinguish themselves) .

This winter I have heard so many people saying they are struggling much more than usual with the cold and dark for some reason .

I , myself , am an owl .

 This winter  it has been so convivial to sit by the fire , late at night ,drinking tea or wine deep in frivolous conversation or watching something cheerful on the television . So convivial . Equally how pleasant to go to the bathroom and then snuggle back in the soft warmth again .

The saxophonist used to sometimes play with a very good key board player . Daytime he was a teacher before he retired . Finding he needed more money ( chiefly for sheet music and gin I believe ) he took extra work at home marking exam papers in the evening . Gradually , on retirement , what with gigs and gin generating exam marking his hours slipped round . Eventually his regular time to get up each day was four in the afternoon . I don't think it bothered him in the least .

Whilst my time has been productive and as the blog shows we have been out and about , keeping regular hour has been harder this winter . A morning gone sometimes , a bed time that would have the Victorian factory owner reaching for the smelling salts .

So what I want to know is this . Am I the only one ? Does it matter ? Have you erred so to speak ? Is it as the saxophonist says "no big deal " ?

So doctor is this normal and if it is what hours do you keep ? I  refer to those of us who have unencumbered free time, be that in the week , at weekends or a mixture of both .
I'm curious .......


  1. I am definitely a night owl and have been nocturnal as long as I can remember. The night hours are blessedly peaceful and inevitably inspiring. I'm seldom fully awake until after midnight.

    1. I'm curious . What time do you usually go to bed and get up . Either way it's good to have your own normal - whatever normal is .

  2. A snapshot of retirement in winter... sounds a dream.

    1. I'm not retired and probably will never consider myself as such . I just have a bit of elbow room .

  3. I used to be much more of a night owl than I am now. These days I relish climbing into bed well before midnight but I am often awake in the wee hours, falling back to sleep for another sweet slumber around daybreak. It is a luxury indeed.

  4. I feel as though I'm a kind of hybrid. An Lowl, perhaps? Early riser, but so much so that the owls are still up!
