Thursday 18 January 2018

Commonplace book.

I keep a commonplace book , I have done for years . It's full of quotes from books, plays and films , things I've been told or overheard.
I've been collecting up all the scraps of paper from the last two years to add them to the book . Some of these , on reflection , will not make it to the cut . Some are still striking and they go in . Others I have no memory of where they came from or why I wrote them down .
Below are four that I came across whilst sorting through .  Which do you think will be making it into the book ?

"Take no notice of anybody you don't respect."

"Have two projects on the go , then its not a choice between doing it and doing nothing ."

"Do not mistake kindness to yourself for weakness ."

"At one point you broke wind so loudly it set off two car alarms ."


  1. What fun dicovering your blog, Angela. Did I know you in London in the early/mid 60s?
    I love the story of looking through estate agent's listings to find your own there: does that mean you have put it on the market already in the expectation of finding the Right One?
    I had to suspend "safe search" to look up that acronym you heard in the pub.
    I envy you the saxophonist: I once had a violinist but that was in another country, and besides he is now dead.

  2. Ah well, never mind. I was hopeful as I have so few contacts from that time . . .
    The AL I knew then could well - with a little added maturity and experience - have written as well and
    as hauntingly as you do.

    1. Thank you. You can come back any time you like !

  3. I think they are all good ones! :)
