Saturday, 23 March 2019

A familiar face : part two . (see previous post first )

So , the doctor said the saxophonist had done so well he did not need so many pills including the ones to prevent seizures . So ,  that was two seizures and two days in hospital . He's home and has been told he cannot drive for a time at least .

I'm calming down and learning to trust that all is well again .

Obviously that means pleasures that don't include a car .

 I thought back to when I was single and using coaches , buses , trains and walking a lot . I went all over the place and didn't trouble about a  car .
 Fewer trips and more adventures .

 I thought about time at the library to browse , time in the charity shops for hunting out the odd gem , striding out along the river and of course there is time to cook in leisured contentment .

So ,  re previous post .
How odd is that . I am not only meeting the person walking down the road towards me , we are fusing into one .
I shall be making pineapple marmalade this week and this time she knows it .